Our School
How to Reach Us
Principal: Mary Seidl
Office: 608-845-4200, Fax: 1-844-855-5131
Attendance Line: 608-845-4203, Text: 608-371-9399
Attendance e-mail: sp-attendance@verona.k12.wi.us
You may leave a message or e-mail 24 hours a day.
Office Hours: Monday through Friday 7:00am - 3:00pm
9:20am - Late bell (Scholars need to be in their classrooms by 9:20).
Tuesday through Friday 7:30am - 2:25pm
7:15am - First bell (Scholars are allowed into the building at 7:15am)
7:30am - Late bell (Scholars need to be in their classrooms by 7:30).
2:25pm - End of day Monday through Friday
Early sign-out / Late sign-in: If your scholar is arriving late, or leaving early, please sign them in/out at the greeter’s station. Please let us know of any changes to your scholar’s day by calling or emailing the office
Lunch: We invite families to use eFunds to pay for school lunch; you can find the link on the VASD website, or you can also make a check payable to:
Child Nutrition Services Address: 234 Wildcat Way, Verona, WI 53593 Telephone: (608) 845-4139
Bus Transportation: Route information can be found on the Infofinder website here.
Where To Find Us
Address: 5830 Devoro Road Fitchburg, WI 53711