Child Care Options
Stoner Prairie Elementary
If your family is in search of after-school or full day care options, here are sites within or near Verona Area School District boundaries, some of which offer before/after school transportation. Please call sites directly for their rates and inquire about openings.
These locations are updated each year and routes sometimes change over the summer. All students needing transportation to or from another location that is not their home address need to contact First Student Bus directly at (608) 341-2799
Childcare site (click |
Address | Phone | Transportation from SP |
Boys and Girls Club | 619 Jenewein Dr, Fitchburg | 608-204-9722 | SP Bus Route |
Capitoland Christian Center | 3651 Maple Grove Rd,Madison | 608-228-2022 | Private Van |
La Petite - Fitchburg | 5574 Lacy Road, Fitchburg | 608-277-8388 | Private Van |
Pooh Bear Childcare | 5961 Schumann Dr, Madison | 608-271-7664 | SP Bus Route |
YMCA | 5515 Medical Cir, Madison | 608-276-6606 | Onsite, SP Cafeteria |
Black Belt America | 6121 Odana Road, Madison | 608-273-4111 | Private Van |
Legacy Academy Activity Center | 2881 Commerce Park Dr, Fitchburg | 608-270-9977 | SP Bus Route |