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Learn How You Can Donate

Interested in Making a Donation?

There are many ways that parents, community members, retirees, and alumni can support the work of our incredible staff at Stoner Prairie. Over the last few years, school budgets have tightened while many needs have increased. 

 In recognition of the assistance you have given us, you will receive a thank you letter acknowledging your tax-deductible donation. You may either donate the items , or make a cash donation for a specific department or item or need.  Any donation will be gratefully received. 

In an era of tight school budgets, your contributions will truly make a difference in the lives of all of our students!  Please send donations to:


Stoner Prairie Elementary School 
5830 Devoro Rd.
Fitchburg, WI   53711

You may also drop it off at the school office (rather than with the specific department head or teacher.)  That way we can be sure to properly note and document your kindness.  Call 608-845-4200 with questions.